Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting to Know the Basics of Restaurant City

Restaurant City Mastery

Restaurant City is one of the biggest and most popular social games on Facebook with nearly 20 million players and a huge base of devoted fans. And every day, thousands more are signing up and playing the game for hours on end, trying to join the ranks of the truly elite. It’s changing how the game is played and pushing the bar higher and higher. If you’re one of those people who wants to get in on the ground floor and rise quickly, you’d better know some of the basics before getting started.

What Should You Know?

To start with, you should know that the chefs and waiters are pretty much self automated. They will need to be rested or fed every 45 minutes or so to maintain their speed of work, but otherwise they do everything for you. Your job is to set up the restaurant in an efficient layout and level up your dishes by gathering enough new ingredients.

Each dish has 10 Levels you can get to. The higher the level, the more coins, GP and popularity rating you get for every happy customer. That means faster leveling and more options to stand out. It also means you need to start making a lot of friends because getting ingredients in this game is hard without having a good stash of friends who also play the game.

To combat this, many pro players go out and find temporary friends that they can trade and get new ingredients from. These temporary friends will remain on their lists for between 20 minutes and 24 hours – long enough to get ingredients from each other by visiting their restaurant for the first time. Additionally, you will find that the majority of people are very well versed in how to trade ingredients for a solid gain – something that will let you level up fairly quickly most of the time.

Getting to the Top

To reach the top, you need to log on every day, spend a lot of time checking it and fixing everything whenever a problem arises, and tweaking your layout so that you can get as many customers in and out with a thumbs up as possible. If you can do all of those things will getting the highest rated dishes possible, you will have a well run restaurant with a perfect 50.0 popularity score. Once you have that, it’s time to fix up your design and get some fellow players to rank you setup. Get a high star rating from your fellow players and you can start working your way toward the top of those listings as well, and possibly even making it to Gourmet Street – every Restaurant City player’s ultimate dream.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Which Awards Can You Get Easily in Restaurant City?

Restaurant City Mastery

In a game like Restaurant City, there are a number of ways to stand out. One such way is to gather and complete the different award achievements the game has to offer. These achievements provide a small boost to GP and some coins for completion, but more than anything they allow you to show off how much you’ve played and what you’ve been able to accomplish.

As you can imagine, some awards are extremely hard to get. For example, visiting 10,000 friends or cleaning up 10,000 pieces of trash are incredibly hard to do. You could always complete the purchasing achievements over time with the right amount of coins, but they are going to take time. So a lot of players want to know which awards are easiest so they can start loading up on the trophies nice and early.

The Easy Route

So which awards should you aim for if you’re trying to get the fastest, easiest ones possible? To start with, you should know that there are no easy awards. They are all there and they are all equally complex to attain. For sure, the visiting friends ones will take the longest, but they are still just a matter of volume.

The key to getting all those trophies though is to do all of the different tasks in the game every time you play. Log on and go to random street, rate restaurants, visit friends, clean up trash. Then go back to your restaurant and work on upgrades and spending some hard earned coin. They are all going to take a long time to complete, so you may as well start early and continue working on them as the time passes. Eventually, you’re going to find that you have a good number of bronze and silver trophies. The gold trophies are going to take a LONG time to get, so just keep at it and before you know it they will star to roll in.

As fun as it is to go out and get the top level awards and achievements, it is time consuming and complicated to do. If you are really serious about being a top player in Restaurant City though, you need to invest as much of your time as possible to making sure you can get those achievements completed. That means logging each day, finding new friends, and constantly spending the coins you have on things that you may not need. But, one day, when you have all 26 trophies proudly displayed on Gourmet Street, it will all be worth it.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Path to Gourmet Street in Restaurant City

Restaurant City Mastery

Everyone wants to be the best – at the top of the heap of the millions of different Restaurant City players out there who invest time and energy each day into creating the best possible restaurant they can. They spend hours a day trying to master the art of the island layout or making their restaurant look as good as possible. They want to be the best, but many people don’t know how to get there.

Where Do You Start?

Starting out on the route to being the best is hard, but if you know where to look and how to start playing, you can be on your way before you know it. To begin with, it’s good to not put your restaurant in the rating guide. You will likely have a very ugly, functional only restaurant until you reach Level 20. That means that people will rate you low for that functionality and that’s only going to hurt your ratings in the long run.

Instead, keep your restaurant away from the ratings for as long as possible until you can reach Level 20 and start buying some big, beautiful new decorations to make the space glimmer and shine. That is what the pros are doing and how they are getting those 5 star ratings.

There’s More

Additionally, you need to please your customers. Most raters take the rating process very seriously and will not award you with a 5 Star if you have unhappy customers or tired employees. So you need to keep everything clean, keep energy levels up as much as possible and be sure that the service remains top notch. Level up your dishes and get that popularity score up as high as you can. Those are both good tasks as well – ones that will help immensely in getting your game maxed out to the point where you can start getting 5 star ratings.

Gourmet Street, Here You Come

The key to Gourmet Street is creativity. You cannot get to the top with just a well made Italian restaurant. Try replicating a famous restaurant or recreating a famous landmark. A restaurateur recreated the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in the summer and was rewarded for it with outrageous ratings that took the game by storm. That kind of creativity will get the job done almost every time. Most of all, have fun and go to town. Only then will you be able to truly stand out among so many.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Creating a Gameplay Schedule for Restaurant City

Restaurant City Mastery

Restaurant City is one of the biggest and best Facebook games around and for a good reason. It has a lot of tasks you can perform, a thriving social option, and can be played by anyone without needing to worry about how complex or violent it might be. It’s a fun, family friendly game with lots of cool tasks to perform. But, it can also be time consuming and for those that don’t make a little extra effort, it can be easy to fall behind the necessary task to play it well.

What Should be On Your Schedule

A good schedule for Restaurant City should be realistic to how much time you have to spend on the game. I love the game as much as the next guy, but you can’t expect to have hours each day to spend tweaking and playing with your restaurant when a job and family are calling. So, you need to balance it all out well.

But, you also need to log on to the game at least once a day if you want it to be successful. To start with, you need to get your daily ingredient, the freebie you get every day. Second, you need to make sure that you spend a bit of time answering the daily quiz, managing your garden, and checking your friends for new trade offers. These are all daily tasks that will help you play the game better and take almost no time.

Additionally, you want to be sure that your rating didn’t drop and that all employees are properly rested if necessary. Without rest and feeding, they will drop off sharply and things will start to go bad quickly.

How to Play Daily with Ease

The easiest way to play Restaurant City every day without wasting too much time is to log on in the morning when you get to work or in the evening when you get home and complete your daily tasks. After that, you should leave the game running the background on your computer. Every 30-45 minutes check it to repair the falling energy levels of your employees and do any cleaning that your janitor hasn’t gotten to yet.

If you are realistic about how much time you have to offer and how you balance it out, you can run one of the more efficient and ultimately productive restaurants around, but make sure to be on every day, at least for 5 minutes. It will make all the difference.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Three Measurements of Success in Restaurant City

Restaurant City Mastery

Restaurant City, like any other good Facebook game has multiple measures of success that you can use to decide how well you are playing. If you do it properly, you will be able to maintain a high level of all three measurements and show off just how good you are to your fellow players. Of course, there are other methods of measurement than the three in this article – including GP and awards you can acquire, but these three are the basis of everything that is done in this game and are thus much more important.


The coins you gather for selling dishes, cleaning up trash and helping friends will ultimately be used to create the different aspects of your restaurant that help it to sand out. If you play properly for the most amount of coins, you’ll be able to create a streamlined process where your employees are never tired and you never need to worry about whether your restaurant has enough “extras”.

Popularity Rating

The popularity rating is a score out of 50.0 that tells you how well your restaurant is performing with your customers. When they like your dishes, service and setup, they give you a thumbs up which raises your ranking. If they don’t like your service, they give a thumbs down which drops your rating. It can fluctuate wildly based on your service so it’s important to maintain clean toilets, well managed premises and a set of well rested and happy employees. If you can do that, things will be much better off.

User Scoring

Your fellow players can also rank your restaurant if you add it to the ratings guide where they are allowed to see it on random street. This score will reflect what your fellow players think of your restaurant. What’s more, if your restaurant looks good, they very well might decide to support your rise to the utmost pinnacle of accomplishment in the game – Gourmet Street. Players on gourmet street are the best the game has to offer and are often viewed by anyone who plays as exceptional designers.

In the end, you have a lot of different little things you can play towards in Restaurant City. If you play well, manage your layouts well and never fall behind on cleanliness and care of your employees, you’ll be well on your way to peaking out all of these factors and being viewed around the globe as a top restaurateur.

>>> Restaurant City Mastery <<<

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Many Ingredients Do You Really Need in Restaurant City?

Restaurant City Mastery

Anyone who has ever played Restaurant City can tell you that the key to being successful in the game is to spend some time gathering as many ingredients as possible. They are the lifeblood of the game in more than one way. First off, they are the easiest way to interact with other players and be social in a game that is designed to be social. Second, they allow you to start and enjoy your own garden – something that no other cooking game on Facebook allows. Finally, and most importantly, they are what allows you to level up your dishes. When those dishes are leveled up, you get more GP, more coins, and more popularity rating for every customer served.

How Do You get New Ingredients?

The big question then is how to get those ingredients. By default, the methods to getting ingredients are rather limited. Every day you will get one for free just for logging in. You will also get a chance at a second one by answering the daily quiz question correctly. After that though, it is entirely up to you whether you will gain any more than 2 for the day.

One way to get more is to go out and farm them yourself after you hit level 16 and have your garden. This is rather expensive though, almost as much so as buying them directly from the marketplace, where they will range between 2500 and 4000 coins each (way more than you should ever spend). You can alternately buy them with Playfish Cash – but that costs you real world money that you likely don’t want to spend.

Finally, you can get them from your friends. There are two ways to do this. The first is to trade with your friends – a good way to get them if you know you only need a select number and there are plenty of ingredients you’re willing to get rid of.

However, if that fails, you can also find new friends in the game. Once you add them, you are permitted to go to their restaurant and get a free ingredient for that first visit. The more friends you gather, the more ingredients you can gather with this method.

Start Early

The bottom line is that ingredients are the fundamental basis of this game. Without them, you’ll never level up your dishes and it will take months to get anywhere near the top level and a place where you can buy new items. However, if you go out and work hard for new ingredients early enough, you’ll quickly find that you can load up on everything you need with days and weeks on your route to gourmet street.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

How to Make a Cheap and Easy Maze for Your RC Restaurant

Restaurant City Mastery

If you have been playing much Restaurant City of late, you have probably heard of mazes – the simple and yet highly effective way that many top players manage the flow of customers into their restaurant. This is more or less essential if you are serious about having a nice stop gap on how fast the customers can get into your restaurant and to their seats. If you are able to manage the flow properly, you can get more customers in and maintain a high popularity rating – ideally at 50.0.

How to Setup a Good Maze

A good maze should be at both doors and shouldn’t be something that people can get around. It needs to have a good balance to the décor of the room, but that is far less important than managing that steady flow. To start with, you should place your islands as far away as possible. Do not stack anything against the wall, but make sure you have the tables as far away from the door as possible. Once you reach a higher level, this is much easier – but for now, you just need to be sure you stack them nice and deeply into the corner.

Then, go out and buy some barriers or, if you have gathered some awards use those, and place them in a line, blocking the direct entrance from the door. Create a funnel that pushes the incoming customers along the far walls so they cannot get directly to you tables. When well planned, you can keep customers from entering and sitting right down.

Maintaining a Maze

With a maze, you need to be sure your restaurant never outgrows it. This means that you should keep an eye on the corners so that people don’t start walking around it. Additionally, you should watch to be sure that no one is able to stampeded into the restaurant unchecked. Set up waiting chairs or a set of Arcade units so that they have something to keep them busy when they are not yet ready to sit down and eat. This will almost always be the case once your rating is 25 or higher so be sure to keep an eye on upset customers who cannot find a table.

As you can imagine, a maze is a vital part of any good restaurant. How you set it up and how it looks are entirely up to you, but once you reach level 5 and have the space in your restaurant for it, make sure to integrate it into your design. You will start seeing noticeable upkick in your income this way.

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