Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Finding Good Temporary Friends in Restaurant City

Restaurant City Mastery

Restaurant City, like almost all Facebook social games requires that you spend some time getting friends involved in the game so that you can use them to advance your own account. You will need at least 7 friends to stock up on your employees and if you are serious about having a good number of people involved in the game with you, you will want far more. Additionally, you want to have friends who you can trade ingredients with when you are close to a new recipe or leveling up an old one. There is a nice trick though that will allow you to get far more new goods for your restaurant than if you were to simply work with the small handful of employees you already had.

What Temporary Friends Will Do For You

Temporary friends are friends that you add to your account for only a few minutes so that you can use them to get new ingredients. Those temporary friends need to be fellow Restaurant City players and they need to be aware that you are not going to be helping them out with the game beyond that first half day to a day of time.

The key to this type of gameplay strategy is to find a good forum on which you can recruit and add these kinds of friends to your account and ensure that the people you add will have good ingredients to offer and that they will not delete you before you get your ingredient out of them.

Getting New Ingredients

There are two ways to get ingredients from your friends. The first way is to trade. Unfortunately, trading means you must already have some ingredients on hand to trade with. The second way is to go out and find people who can be on your roster for a few minutes. When you visit someone on your friend list’s restaurant for the first time, you will gain an ingredient for your efforts. As such, every new temporary friend you get will result in a new ingredient.

To get those new ingredients, you need to spend some time on the forums at or on the groups on Facebook discussing the game and soliciting people to join you and add you as a friend. This will take a bit of time, but if you do it properly, you can gather quite a few willing souls to your efforts.

>>> Restaurant City Mastery <<<

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