Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Key to a Good Island Layout in Restaurant City

Restaurant City Mastery

One of the most fundamental aspects of playing Restaurant City successfully is to have a good island layout – one that will allow you to effectively serve as many people as possible with as few employees on your side as possible. That is the hard part. Once you can do that though, you will be well on your way toward having a good setup that will get you to 50.0 popularity and a spot on gourmet street.

What is an Island Layout?

Islands are self contained segments of tables with chefs at the corners and waiters in the middle. Think of them as closed off loops or horseshoes that keep the customers on the outside of a ring. Ideally, your employees will only need to move 2-3 squares at the most, being able to go from table to table and to the chefs without needing to spend more than a second or two moving between them. As you can imagine, the volume of time saved by not having these avatars traveling so far will allow you to serve far more customers and much more safely.

The key to a good island layout though is finding a good balance between how you set it up and how it performs. For example, if you were to create two or three separate islands that each had 4 tables and 1 chef each, you would likely have trouble maintaining a good rate of service.

You must balance the amount of food you can serve with the number of customers you have. A good ratio is 3 tables for every chef and a top volume of chefs is around 5 – with 2 waiters split between two islands or stacked into one very large island. You will undoubtedly need a janitor to help take care of the toilets and messes that always stack up in a restaurant of a good enough size.

Island Mistakes

There are a number of mistakes that restaurant owners can make with their islands. First, they can put them too near the door and not allow enough time to clean up around them before the customers get to their seats. Secondly, they could have too few chefs and too many chairs. The most tables you should ever have in the game is 15 – the total number that 5 chefs can safely manage.

If you do it right, the island layout is the only way to develop and maintain a good Restaurant City plan. When you are able to effectively master your own, you will be set for a good time to come.

>>> Restaurant City Mastery <<<

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